I want to apologize for the recent lack of post-game updates. Much to my surprise, there are actually quite a few of you who check the blog regularly, and I know how much it sucks to visit a favorite page and see no new content.

I knew when I started this journey it was a pretty crazy idea, but I really had no idea of how physically draining it was going to be until this last week or so. Between the start of classes, holding a job, and actually travelling to the games, it’s starting to take its toll. But I wouldn’t trade this for anything — including a few extra hours of sleep each night — and I’m going to continue to bring you updates as often as I can.

Hopefully later tonight I’ll get my post-Villanova thoughts out on paper. But of course, homework comes first, and for some reason I have an insane amount for only having attended the T/TH courses once so far. So maybe by “later tonight” I actually mean “very early on Tuesday morning.” But it’ll be there for you to mull over as you down the morning coffee. And sometime this week you can also expect a ton of pictures to be available. I got a lot of work on the gallery pages done while flying to and from Philly, so by the end of the week you’ll at least be able to see the photos from New York, Phoenix, Houston, Tennessee, and a few home games.

So again, thank you for reading. And I must once more offer my apologies for failing to bring you timely post-game updates for the last three games. But keep coming back, because I promise I’ll be here all throughout conference play and into the post-season.